Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I got nothing!!!

I have nothing to report people
I have no life
It's home
their lives
that's it..

My son went thru his surgery just fine.. he's mending well
My daughter is doing great.. except for her 30 yr old attitude..
but, she's figuring out that even if her head spins around and she
has projectile coming out of her nose.. she still isnt gonna get what she wants.

I have NO love life.. hell..I dont want love.. I would just like to get laid!!!
but yeah.. that aint happening either.

Im on a diet.. cuz Im a fat ass.. maybe that's why Im man less..
but Im a nice person..
Im not unattractive..

Oh well..
Maybe this year will bring something good...



Ozfemme said...


You have just described me and my life.

We must be related?

Anyway, here's to 2007 bringing new adventures, healthy and happy children and if our asses stay fat well fat asses rock!


The Bizza said...

"I have NO love life.. hell..I dont want love.. I would just like to get laid!!!"

Where were you when I was single five years ago?!? *grumbles*

Fatass? Hmph! Whatever... one person's fatass is another person's sultry, voluptously-curvy woman. And I happen to fall into the latter category...

I'm glad things are looking up for your son, and I can relate to the sassy-daughter phase. I'm looking to expedite the phase of my own kid with a series of backhands...

Twisted Lady said...


I got nothing to report either. I am in a blogging stupor.

Anonymous said...

gosh girl, we're just gonna have to get your ass out and about!!!

uncertain girl said...

Came via WeekendsOff and glad I did. I like your Remember When: entry. It had me laughing my head off because really... shouldn't we be dead or mutants now?

Have a fabulous evening and see ya next go 'round. =)

Weekends Off said...

This year will bring good things, I can feel it!!!

And if not a ton of good things hopefully at the very least an excellant lay!

I'm glad your son is doing fine- sorry your daughter is being a poophead.

Hang in there Barney!